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Our quality promise

Service Philosophy

We understand quality not only in relation to our products, but also as a service for our customers.

Product quality is a matter of course and top priority. What distinguishes us is the comprehensive understanding of service, which has made Nolta GmbH a reliable partner in the field of motor protection and water technology for 50 years. We see our role not only as a producer and supplier of high-quality products, but also as a service provider for our customers.

This includes both uncomplicated communication channels and competent advice, as well as a target-oriented training program at our Nolta Academy.


We offer our customers not only high-quality products, but also over 50 years of experience in motor protection and water technology.

Certified Quality

The requirements for the quality of our products, environmental protection and the safety of our employees are directly related.

Through an integrated management system for quality assurance, environmental protection and occupational safety, we create the prerequisites for meeting the requirements.

Our primary objective is to achieve the optimum quality of our products and to treat the environment responsibly. We regularly review the activities of our company to ensure that they comply with our quality and environmental policy, the principle of compliance with all relevant legal requirements and regulations, and the principle of continuous improvement in operational environmental protection. We want to avoid environmental pollution or eliminate it in a controlled manner. We wish to ensure the technical and organizational implementation and the success of our environmental policy through an environmental management system which also allows us to recognize deviations from targets and systems. These are corrected as soon as possible and measures are taken and updated to prevent their recurrence as far as possible. We aim to strengthen the confidence of our customers and to expand our market position.

Nolta GmbH received

  • 1996 the DIN EN ISO 9001:1994 certification,

  • 2002 this was converted to the process-oriented DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.

  • 2007 we introduced the Integrated Management System.

  • 2011 ATEX certification according to Directive 2014/34/EU and DIN EN ISO 80079-34 were added.

  • 2013 this has been extended by the IECEx certification.

  • 2016 AEO-F certification as approved exporter

The current integrated management system includes:

  • Quality management DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

  • Environmental management DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

  • ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU and DIN EN ISO 80079-34


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Authorized Economic Operator AEO

Nolta was certified by German customs as an authorized economic operator and is allowed to use the AEO mark.
Increasing globalization and the changed international security situation have prompted the World Customs Organization (WCO) to create a global framework for modern, effective risk management in customs administrations with a "Framework of Standard to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade" (SAFE).
At the European level, the security policy aspects of the SAFE have been implemented through security changes in the Customs Code and in the Customs Code Implementing Regulation. The introduction of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) represents an essential element of the EU security concept.

Conflict Minerals Policy

Nolta deplores the violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries and supports efforts to ensure responsible sourcing of conflict materials from this region. Accordingly, Nolta has laid down principles on conflict materials in the company philosophy. Nolta expects its suppliers to adopt similar policies and meet the expectations below. Suppliers are expected to supply only DRC conflict free products to Nolta. DRK free means that the mining and trading of all conflict materials (gold, columbite, tungsten, tin - hereinafter referred to as 3TG's) that are necessary for the production or the functionality of the products are not used to directly or indirectly finance armed groups in the DRK or of its contiguous states contribute or that all 3TG's in delivered products come from recycled sources. Suppliers are expected to implement conflict materials policies and management systems and communicate the same to their suppliers.

United Nations Global Compact

Since 2021 Nolta has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption." 

Conflict Minerals
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